Top Fertility Specialists near Long Beach, CA – Holistic and Medical Options You Should Know About

Finding the right fertility specialist can make or break your journey to starting or expanding your family. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the trenches for a while, it’s important to know your options. Long Beach and the surrounding areas, like Lakewood, Signal Hill, and Rancho Palos Verdes, offer a range of fertility specialists who can help—whether you’re looking for the latest medical treatments or a more holistic approach.

Here’s a straightforward look at some of the top fertility specialists in the area, covering both medical and holistic options, as well as faith-based resources.

Medical Fertility Specialists near Long Beach

If you’re considering medical intervention, these clinics and specialists are worth checking out. They offer everything from IVF and IUI to fertility preservation and other advanced treatments.

Incinta Fertility Center - Torrance

Incinta Fertility Center is known for its cutting-edge technology and personalized care. They offer a variety of fertility treatments and have a reputation for compassionate support throughout the fertility journey.

HRC Fertility - Newport Beach

HRC Fertility has been around for decades and has a strong reputation in the Southern California area. They offer a full spectrum of fertility treatments and have a team of experienced doctors to guide you. Sidenote, if you’re located in or around Beverly Hills or are willing to make the drive, I have personal experience with Dr. Sasha Hakman. She is amazing and I can’t recommend her enough. HRC has several other locations throughout Southern California including Fullerton, Carlsbad, West LA, Mission Viejo and Rancho Cucamonga.

Reproductive Partners Medical Group - Westminster

Located not far from Long Beach, Reproductive Partners offers personalized care and a wide array of fertility treatments. They’re known for their patient-centered approach and high success rates. They have additional locations in Los Angeles and Pasadena.

Holistic Fertility Specialists near Long Beach

If you’re leaning towards a holistic approach or want to complement your medical treatments with alternative therapies, these specialists offer a range of options to support your fertility journey.

Healing Light Acupuncture - Fountain Valley

Tina Singh at Healing Light Acupuncture offers personalized acupuncture treatments aimed at balancing hormones and enhancing fertility. Her holistic approach focuses on nurturing the whole person, making it an excellent option for those looking for natural fertility support. We know and love Tina and are confident you’ll be in good hands with her care!

Emma Browning - Long Beach

Emma Browning specializes in acupuncture treatments that support fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and overall wellness. Her practice is dedicated to helping individuals and couples prepare their bodies for conception in a relaxed and supportive environment. I had the honor of being Emma’s postpartum doula and her knowledge surrounding fertility and pregnancy is astounding. She has amazing energy and is very dedicated to her clients.

Mama Root - Laguna Hills

Lauren Martinez at The Mama Root offers bodywork specifically for the mothering years, including. Mayan abdominal massage. This traditional technique is designed to promote reproductive health by improving circulation to the pelvic organs and aligning the uterus. This therapy is a powerful tool for enhancing fertility, particularly for those who prefer a hands-on, natural approach.

Integrative Women’s Massage - Newport Beach

Denise at IWM also specializes in Mayan abdominal massage (Arvigo Technique). This hands-on technique focuses on aligning and improving the function of the pelvic organs, enhancing blood flow, and addressing issues related to fertility and reproductive health. By gently manipulating the abdomen, this massage helps to optimize the position of the uterus, alleviate menstrual discomfort, and support overall pelvic wellness, making it a valuable tool for those seeking a natural approach to fertility and reproductive care. Denise also offers prenatal and postpartum massage, providing comprehensive care for women throughout their reproductive journey.

Radiant Fertility Acupuncture - Torrance

Deannie Janowitz at Radiant Fertility Acupuncture is a California Board certified Licensed Acupuncturist and a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM Certified Fertility Specialist). Deannie specializes in fertility support through acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle counseling. They offer a holistic approach designed to providing comprehensive natural fertility enhancement and IUI/IVF support. In addition to in-office visits, she offers telehealth for fertility.

Faith-Based Fertility Specialists

For many individuals, integrating faith into their fertility journey is essential. Christian-based fertility specialists offer not just medical or holistic support but also spiritual guidance aligned with religious values. This approach can be particularly valuable for those who have moral or ethical concerns about conventional fertility treatments like IVF or embryo manipulation.

People who have moral or ethical concerns surrounding conventional fertility treamtments may want to look into The Creighton Model or NaProTechnology.

The Creighton Model is a natural fertility awareness method that involves tracking specific biological markers, such as cervical mucus, to determine the most fertile times in a woman’s cycle. This method is often used for achieving or avoiding pregnancy and is based on detailed observations of the body's natural signs.

NaProTechnology (Natural Procreative Technology) is a medical approach that builds on the Creighton Model by integrating it with a comprehensive medical framework to diagnose and treat underlying reproductive health issues. NaProTechnology addresses conditions like irregular cycles, hormonal imbalances, and infertility through natural, fertility-focused treatments, offering a holistic and ethical alternative to conventional reproductive technologies. This approach aligns with pro-life values and emphasizes restoring natural fertility and overall reproductive health.

The Role of Fertility Doulas

Navigating fertility treatments—whether medical or holistic—can be overwhelming. This is where a fertility doula comes in. Fertility doulas offer emotional, physical, and informational support throughout your journey. They help you make informed decisions, provide comfort during treatments, and offer resources to keep you grounded and empowered.

At National Baby Co., our fertility doulas are experienced in both medical and holistic approaches and we’re available to match you with a wonderful fertility doula to support you. Fertility can be a challenging road, but you don’t have to walk it alone.

Finding the right fertility specialist is a deeply personal decision. Whether you choose a medical clinic, a holistic practitioner, or a combination of both, know that there are options available to support your unique journey. If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to us at National Baby Co. to learn more about how our fertility doulas can support you.


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