Why Every Doula Should Be Blogging - Free Resources for Doulas

Alright, fellow doulas, let's talk about something that's often overlooked but can seriously help you reach more potential clients: blogging. Why do we love it as a business-builder for doulas? Because it’s free and it's an easy, low-key way to show the world you know your stuff. So grab a cup of coffee as we share the benefits of blogging for your doula business and offer some simple tips to get you started.


Establishing Expertise, Building Trust

First and foremost, blogging allows you to showcase your knowledge and expertise as a birth & postpartum doula. When you share your wisdom on childbirth, postpartum care, or whatever else gets you fired up, you're not just helping out new parents, you're showing them that you know what you’re talking about which helps to build trust. And when potential clients see that you know what you’re talking about and begin to trust you, they’re more likely to want to hire you - simple as that.

Connecting with Your Community

In addition to establishing expertise, blogging fosters a sense of community around your doula business. It opens up avenues for communication and engagement with clients, fellow doulas, and anyone else interested in pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Through your blog, you can address common concerns, answer questions, and offer support, creating a space where individuals feel heard and understood.

Your Free Marketing Powerhouse

Blogging isn't just a platform for sharing your thoughts—it's a powerhouse of free marketing for your doula business. Every time you publish a blog post, you're creating fresh content that Google loves to index. This means your website climbs higher in search results, making it easier for potential clients to find you. By regularly incorporating keywords like "doula in [your city]" or "postpartum support in [your location]," you boost your local SEO, driving more targeted traffic to your site. Plus, sharing your blog posts on social media spreads your reach even further, bringing more eyes to your services without spending a dime on advertising. So, not only are you establishing yourself as an expert, but you're also getting your business in front of the right people—absolutely free.

Tips for Effective Blogging

Okay, so you're sold on the idea of blogging. Now what? Here are a few tips to get those creative juices flowing:

  1. Use Your Voice: Forget fancy terms or trying to be perfect and don’t worry about reaching a particular audience… just be you. Whether you're funny, serious, or somewhere in between, let your personality and knowledge shine through.

  2. Talk About What You Know & Love: Don’t pretend to know things you don’t and don’t try to impress people with sharing about things that are overly complex. Keep it simple and share about the things you love and the things you feel confident talking about. As you grow in your doula career and experience new things and absorb new knowledge you’ll have the chance to share more and more.

  3. Grab Our Freebies: We've got you covered with our freebies for doulas—"100 Blog Topics for Birth Doulas" and "100 Blog Topics for Postpartum Doulas." No more staring at a blank screen wondering what to write about - we’ve got you covered with lots of blogging inspo. You're welcome 😉

  4. Keep It Regular: Consistency is key, but don't stress about posting every day or even every week. Just pick a schedule that works for you and stick to it. The more you blog, the more Google will like you and the more Google will show your content to people searching for doulas in your area.

  5. Share Your Location: Don’t forget to mention your location regularly in your posts. If you're a doula in East Tennessee, for example, drop "Knoxville" or surrounding cities into your blog naturally. This helps with SEO and makes it easier for local clients to find you.

  6. Mix It Up: Incorporate visuals such as images, infographics, or videos to complement your written content. Multimedia not only enhances engagement but also caters to different learning styles.

Remember, blogging isn't about being a professional writer or a journalist or knowing all of the things about babies and birth —it's about sharing helpful information. Don't stress about SEO or word counts or any of that jazz. Just write from the heart, share what you know, and watch the magic happen. Happy blogging, doula friends!


Building a Doula Business in East Tennessee: 10 Tips and Strategies for Success


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