Building a Doula Business in East Tennessee: 10 Tips and Strategies for Success

Starting and growing a successful doula business can be incredibly rewarding, offering the opportunity to support families during one of life’s greatest adventures. For doulas in East Tennessee, a region known for its strong sense of community and growing interest in holistic health practices, the potential to build a thriving business is significant.

We’ve been at this for a minute with a combined experience of 20+ years of Doula work and owning small businesses and we want to spread the knowledge! Below we’ve combined some tips, tricks, and great advice to establishing and growing your doula business in this unique and vibrant area.

1. Understand Your Market

Before you launch your doula business, it's crucial to understand the specific needs and preferences of families in East Tennessee. This region is characterized by a blend of rural and urban communities, each with distinct cultural and socioeconomic dynamics. Ask around to get a pulse on the types of birth services most in demand. For example, are parents more interested in home births, birthing centers, or hospital births? Understanding these preferences will help you tailor your services to meet the needs of your target audience.

If you’ve already started your doula business, don’t hesitate to return to this step regularly. It is important to be aware as your potential clients evolve.

2. Build a Strong Network

Networking is vital in most businesses, but especially in the doula industry. Connect with local healthcare providers, including OB/GYNs, midwives, pediatricians, and lactation consultants. Attend local health fairs, parenting classes, and community events to introduce yourself and your services. Joining professional organizations such as our members here at Naitonal Baby Co, or DONA International, or the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) can also provide valuable networking opportunities and resources. Building relationships with these professionals can lead to referrals and collaborative opportunities that can significantly boost your business.

A secret to building a doula business in East Tennessee is to rely heavily on the small-town word-of-mouth. Everyone talks, so make sure you’re talking about your services to anyone that will listen!

3. Develop a Professional Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a professional online presence is essential. Create a user-friendly website that highlights your services, qualifications, and testimonials from satisfied clients. Ensure your website is optimized for search engines so that potential clients in Eastern Tennessee can easily find you.

Additionally, maintain active social media profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

We also highly recommend having an active blog. Most web platforms offer an easy way to create a blog, but this is a crucial step to getting your business to pop up on Google. Learn more here. Share valuable content such as birth stories, tips for expectant parents, and information about your services to engage with your audience and establish yourself as a trusted expert in the doula world.

4. Offer a Range of Services

To attract a diverse clientele, consider offering a range of services beyond traditional birth doula support. Postpartum doula services, lactation counseling, childbirth education classes, and placenta encapsulation are just a few examples of complementary services that can increase your value to clients. By providing comprehensive support throughout the prenatal, birth, and postpartum periods, you can build stronger relationships with your clients and generate additional revenue streams.

5. Focus on Continuing Education

The field of childbirth support is constantly evolving, with new research, techniques, and best practices emerging regularly. Invest in continuing education to stay current with the latest developments in the field. Attend workshops, conferences, and online courses to enhance your skills and knowledge. Specializing in specific areas such as VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) support, hypnobirthing, or high-risk pregnancies can also set you apart from other doulas and attract clients seeking specialized care. Building a doula business in Eastern Tennessee requires you to continue to develop into the best doula you possibly can be, and that happens through increased experience and increased knowledge.

6. Create a Referral Program

Word-of-mouth referrals are one of the most powerful marketing tools for doulas. Encourage your satisfied clients to refer their friends and family by offering incentives such as discounts on future services or small thank-you gifts. You can also establish referral partnerships with other local businesses that cater to expectant and new parents, such as prenatal yoga studios, baby boutiques, and parenting support groups. A mutually beneficial referral program can significantly expand your client base.

As mentioned above, word spreads like wildfire in the south. A great tip is to use that to your advantage! If you offer a referral program to other businesses or clients, you can ensure that those people are going to do their best to spread the word about you. Building a doula business in Eastern Tennessee doesn’t have to be hard, and this is one of those ways to work smarter, not harder.

7. Maintain Professionalism and Create a Reputable Doula Business in Tennessee

Professionalism is key to building a reputable doula business. This means operating with professionalism within your services and creating a legal foundation for your business.

Operating professionally includes punctuality, clear communication, and respect for your clients, including client confidentiality. Additionally, keep detailed records of your client interactions and feedback to improve your services and address any issues promptly. Another great way to set your doula business apart from competitors is by creating systems that are smooth for your clients. Check out our e-book with tried and true tips and strategies for wowing your clients.

Creating a legal foundation for your business means, up-to-date business licensing, liability insurance, and a comprehensive client contract that outlines your services, fees, and policies to ensure that expectations are clear from the outset.

8. Utilize Local Resources

Create a thriving doula business in East Tennessee by connecting to local resources. East Tennessee offers a wealth of local resources that can support your business. Build a partnership with local hospitals and birthing centers near you to offer your services to their patients. You can participate in community health programs and workshops to raise awareness about the benefits of doula support (or even host some workshops!!) Additionally, consider joining local business associations or chambers of commerce to connect with other small business owners and access valuable business development resources.

Another great resource is the Small Business Association. Helping small businesses thrive is what they do best! They offer free, or low cost, business advice and support.

9. Emphasize Client Education

Educating your clients is an important aspect of your role as a doula. Provide them with evidence-based information about childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care to empower them to make informed decisions. Offer personalized prenatal consultations and postnatal follow-up visits to address their questions and concerns. By positioning yourself as a knowledgeable and reliable resource, you can build trust and loyalty with your clients. Again, this is another moment where you get to show off your expertise and create loyal (and hopefully chatty) customers. By giving them a completely incredible experience, and leaving them feeling better than when you began working together, you are creating loyalty and ensuring they will forever sing your praises!

10. Stay Passionate and Compassionate

Finally, remember that your passion and compassion are at the heart of your business, and should be at the heart of building your doula business within East Tennessee. Being a doula is more than just a job; it's a calling to support families during one of the most profound experiences of their lives. Let your genuine care and dedication shine through in all your interactions with clients, and prospective clients, and while networking. Your empathy and support can make a lasting impact, fostering positive birth experiences and nurturing the growth of your business through word-of-mouth and repeat clients.

By implementing these tips and strategies, you can create a thriving business that not only supports your clients but also contributes to the vibrant and growing birth community in East Tennessee. Remember, the journey to success is ongoing, and staying committed to your passion and continuous improvement will help you achieve long-term success.

Looking to connect with other doula in East Tennessee? See our Events page or Join our Team!


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Why Every Doula Should Be Blogging - Free Resources for Doulas