6 Routines for a Successful Doula Week 

Running your own doula business comes with a lot to juggle! Depending on what tasks you outsource; you are often responsible for providing exceptional client care, along with all the back end business operations. It can be overwhelming to get into a productive, yet sustainable flow, so we wanted to share some our top routines to include in your week!

  • Review Goals Every Week 

  • Goal setting is how you propel your business forward. Think both big vision and practical growth.

  • Schedule a specific time every week (Monday is great!) that you take a look at your list of short and long term goals to add, adjust or check off.  Join us the first Monday of the month to do this in a group setting!

  • Break down those goals into small actionable steps that can be completed by a set date

  • Re-asses if you need to adjust the timeline / due dates for any of the existing goals 

  • Celebrate checking off any of the actionable steps!

  • Write up Daily & Weekly Task Lists

  • It may sound simple, but sometimes you get so caught up scrambling with the day-to-day operations, that you forget to accomplish important, timely tasks that are lost in email threads, text messages or random Google docs.

  • Schedule out any actionable steps to be completed that week from your Goals List

  • Add any client based and business related tasks that need to get done.

  • Your list can look like:

    • Send Client Jane Doe copy of Birth Plan by Tuesday

    • Respond to 3 inquiries

    • Call Chiropractor on Thursday to arrange a networking meeting

    • Call Client Jane Doe to schedule final prenatal visit

    • Log on and submit LLC forms and payments

    • Update credit card billing info for Quickbooks subscription

    • Create IG Reel for Friday

  • Assess & Improve Your Systems 

  • Always be assessing to see if your current systems are working well for your business. What works well for one entrepreneur, may not serve your needs, so don’t be afraid to switch things up.

    • i.e.: Are you always struggling with getting prospective doula clients to sign your contract? 

      • Take a look and see if you can have a better e-signature program and workflow set up for the client booking process. 

    • i.e.: Do you have a hard time scheduling your postpartum doula visits out ahead of time? 

      • Consider utilizing a digital scheduler that can be shared with your client

  • The basics we suggest having back-end systems and workflows in place for:

    • Doula Client Inquiries: Initial inquiry response, follow ups, scheduling interview

    • Booking Doula Clients: Contract Signatures, Invoice Payments, Recurring Billings  

    • Customer Care: Check in emails, scheduled appointments, closing out care. 

  • Looking for more assistance setting up your back-end systems? We provide Doula Mentorship for that!

  • Midweek Check-in with a Colleague 

  • Collaboration and accountability are huge in accomplishing your goals! In the doula world, it can be isolating if you don’t make the effort to network and build a supportive network of other doula colleagues and birthworkers. 

  • Hop on zoom or grab some coffee with a doula bestie to touch base. Compare notes to see if you’re both on track to accomplish your short term goals for the week or have chipped away at any tasks on long term goals. 

  • Set Aside Time for Professional Growth 

  • Every week doesn’t need to include some huge step towards professional growth. We get that some weeks won’t lend enough time to squeeze one more thing in. However, we think it’s important strive for professional growth when able, whether with big or small things like:

    • Read a book related to your field: doula, childbirth, parenting, sleep, lactation, postpartum, wellness  

    • Review a relevant article, blog or medical study

    • Take a new training or workshop to further your education

    • Have a round table discussion or peer review with other doulas 

  • Integrate Rest and Rhythms

    • Avoid burnout by making sure that each week you include things that provide nourishment and light you up!

    • Some ideas to consider are:

      • Taking time to schedule essential appts:  doctor, chiropractor, acupuncture, therapy, etc

      • Weave in plenty of time to rest and refresh with hobbies that make you smile

      • Connect with those you love, spending adequate time with family or friends to fill your emotional love bucket


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